Kontroller standard template is a project accelerator to complete a project in 3 months for an average company size
An average project with Kontroller for a group of 400 Mill. USD, 20 legal entities and 50 users (central and decentralized) can be estimated in these ranges:
Duration between 3 to 6 months
External consulting workload: between 40 and 90 Man days
Internal workload: between 40 and 60 man days. Different complexity factors influence these ranges, a moredetailed assement can be provided by answering the comprehensive project assessment questionnaire. ( We will then provide within 8 days a more detailed assessment of the workloads and project timelines. Such an assessment will have to be confirmed by a more comprehensive project survey)
Standard Project Template
Kontroller standard template is a project accelerator to complete a project in 3 months for an average company size
Standard project template:
Project methodology with clear milestones
Formats for uploading group holding structure
Mapping formats between chart of accounts
Initiation formats for transactionnal postings to upload initial data
Standard traning sessions: system administrator, functional administrator, accountant
Kontroller CPMSolution is designed to accelerate projects
Connectors to access to ERP transactional data are natively provided, which allows to design a live Kontroller system in weeks
The flexible Journal Entry module allows to easily customize manual entry into the system to adjust the automatic calculation of the system.These entry journals can include business rules to automate their usage.
End-user operational reports and statutory reports are available on the shelves
The flexible reporting framework provided by Qlik Sense technology allows fast and easy changes to the structures of reports
Our personalized demo allows you to speak directly with a senior solution specialist and discover the key functionalities of Kontroller.